
Membrane allows for a simple free-fill of the wing membrane.



  • Membrane must layer under all other markings, genetic or free!
  • Membrane can only use one color, and should stay close in hue to your base coat! There's a little more room for variation when it comes to being lighter or darker.
  • It is allowed to show on both sides of the wing, or just one, but should match across sides!
    • This means if it only shows on the dorsal side of the front wing, it should only show on the dorsal side for the back wing too.
symmetrical.pnglod.png definededges.png

Domino Boundary:


Visual Codex:


Kalacros with this marking:

Created: 27 March 2024, 03:44:16 UTC
Last updated: 27 March 2024, 03:45:09 UTC