
<a href=" Phako" class="display-item">Iris Phako</a>

Iris Phako

Category: Familiars

Phako gives a 20% chance to give one pup in a breeding a random common marking. If the parent it's equipped to has 3 or less markings, the chance is increased to 30%.
<a href=" Phako" class="display-item">Poppy Phako</a>

Poppy Phako

Category: Familiars

Phako gives a 20% chance to give one pup in a breeding a random common marking. If the parent it's equipped to has 3 or less markings, the chance is increased to 30%.
<a href=" Phako" class="display-item">Daffodil Phako</a>

Daffodil Phako

Category: Familiars

Phako gives a 20% chance to give one pup in a breeding a random common marking. If the parent it's equipped to has 3 or less markings, the chance is increased to 30%.
<a href=" Kollybree" class="display-item">Emerald Kollybree</a>

Emerald Kollybree

Category: Familiars

Kollybree adds +5 to a stat of your choice!
<a href=" Kollybree" class="display-item">Amethyst Kollybree</a>

Amethyst Kollybree

Category: Familiars

Kollybree adds +5 to a stat of your choice!
<a href=" Kollybree" class="display-item">Ruby Kollybree</a>

Ruby Kollybree

Category: Familiars

Kollybree adds +5 to a stat of your choice!
<a href=" Sauritten" class="display-item">Hearth Sauritten</a>

Hearth Sauritten

Category: Familiars

Sauritten, when equipped to your Kala, gives a 10% chance to find an egg in any activity!
<a href=" Sauritten" class="display-item">Frosted Sauritten</a>

Frosted Sauritten

Category: Familiars

Sauritten, when equipped to your Kala, gives a 10% chance to find an egg in any activity!
<a href=" Sauritten" class="display-item">Blush Sauritten</a>

Blush Sauritten

Category: Familiars

Sauritten, when equipped to your Kala, gives a 10% chance to find an egg in any activity!
<a href=" Ursidae" class="display-item">Celestial Ursidae</a>

Celestial Ursidae

Category: Familiars

Celestial Ursid gives a +10% to Hunting rolls, and gives a 5% chance that the Ursid will bring home one Medium or High quality item, separate from the main loot roll.
<a href=" Cervidae" class="display-item">Celestial Cervidae</a>

Celestial Cervidae

Category: Familiars

Celestial Cervidae gives a +10% to Harvesting rolls, and gives a 5% chance that the Cervid will bring home one Medium or High quality item, separate from the main loot roll.
<a href=" Leporidae" class="display-item">Celestial Leporidae</a>

Celestial Leporidae

Category: Familiars

Celestial Leporidae gives a +10% to Exploring rolls, and gives a +5% chance that the Leporidae will bring home one Medium or High quality item, separate from the main loot roll.
<a href=" Chest" class="display-item">Mimic Chest</a>

Mimic Chest

Category: Familiars

In Activities, the Mimic Chest adds one item from another Activity's loot pool to your roll. In Dungeoneering, it adds an item of Medium or High quality in your loot roll.
<a href=" Dragon" class="display-item">Miniature Dragon</a>

Miniature Dragon

Category: Familiars

Miniature Dragon gives a 50% chance to bring home 200-400 Auric in any Activity, including Dungeoneering!
14 results found.