Alleles:Rarity: Rare

Ocellus creates eyespots, similar to peacock feathers.
General Requirements
- Ocellus can appear anywhere on the Kalacros, without a standard range or restriction to body sections.
- The minimum requirement is one eyespot clearly visible on one wing, with no maximum limit for the number of spots on the wings.
- In its non-dominant form, up to six eyespots are allowed on each side of the body.
- In dominant form, you may have up to eight eyespots per side of the body.
- Eyespots can vary in shape, but should stay semi-natural, with heart-like shapes being the limit of unnatural appearance.
- Small accent marks around the main spots are also permitted.
Color Rules
- At least two colors/layers are required for Ocellus markings.
- In non-dominant form, up to five individual colors or a three-color gradient are allowed; in dominant form, up to eight individual colors or a five-color gradient.
- Ocellus is not restricted by typical color rules and can feature saturated colors without the bottom layer needing to be darker than the basecoat or the layer above it.
- It may also exhibit a slight iridescent sheen.
- Special Gradient Rule: Fading from a darker to a lighter shade of the same hue does not count against the color limit.


Visual Codex:
The Non-Dom Example: Occellus allows for a gradient, as well as a slight iridescent/shine affect.

The Dom Example: In its' Dominant form, Ocellus may sport up to eight colors, or up to a five-color gradient!

Kalacros with this marking:

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