Category: Mutations
Crystalline causes crystal growths to form on your Kalacros! They are surprisingly hard, able to resist most direct impact, and can take many appearances. Though limited, research has suggested the crystals actually boost magical ability.
This mutation gives a +2 to Intelligence.
When designing, Crystalline can display up to four distinct colors. These don't need to be drawn from the Kalacros, or follow coat/marking rules other than avoiding Prisma's saturation level at base, if Prisma isn't present. It can be a gradient across the crystals, flecks in the gem, or layers. If you can find a crystal in our world to draw from, it's likely allowable for this mutation!
With Bicolor, it can display up to seven distinct colors, but cannot effect a marking if used on Crystalline.
This mutation gives a +2 to Intelligence.
When designing, Crystalline can display up to four distinct colors. These don't need to be drawn from the Kalacros, or follow coat/marking rules other than avoiding Prisma's saturation level at base, if Prisma isn't present. It can be a gradient across the crystals, flecks in the gem, or layers. If you can find a crystal in our world to draw from, it's likely allowable for this mutation!
With Bicolor, it can display up to seven distinct colors, but cannot effect a marking if used on Crystalline.
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